Top Yoga Teacher Training School In Dubai

Vipassana is a simple yet very powerful form of meditation that has been employed by many enlightened masters over the ages.

In its present form it was presented by Gautama the Buddha approximately 2,500 years ago as he himself experienced the benefits and potential of Vipassana as a practical tool to attain samatha (equanimity and tranquility) and vipassana (insight).
Ideal for initiation into the practice of meditation, this 7- day master course at Eclipse, is also suitable for intermediate and advanced sadhakas (practitioners) who wish to explore further and are in pursuit of expanding their experience. This course is led by Swami Vishweshwaranand, a meditation teacher for over 25 years and a student of the Himalayan masters tradition for over 30 years.
The Vipassana Meditation Master Course is based on the Theravada tradition – the “Way of the Elders”, which embraces both vipassana (insight) and samatha (equanimity and tranquility) meditation with emphasis on building a sustainable and balanced practice that is compatible with lay life.

- Anapanasati – mindful breath awareness
- Antar mauna- importance of mauna
- The Mental obstacles on the path of meditation
- Mental processes
- Metta Bhavana – kindness and intentionality Meditation
- Practice in Daily Life
- The Four Noble Truths
- The Noble Eightfold Path
- Upekkha Bhavana – Equanimity
- Vipassana Meditation
- Impermanence; On Life and Death; Dukkha, Anatta; Choice-less Awareness;
- Developing a sustainable practice.
A. Philosophy
- Life of Buddha.
- Buddhism.
- Four noble truths.
- What is Vipassana.
- Four mental processes.
- Anna panna sati.
- Equanimity – a state of uninterrupted joy and bliss according to the Buddhist system.
- Maitta Bhavana.
B. Importance of Vegan diet and non- verbal communication (mauna) in Vipassana.
C. Practices
- Antar- mauna. (meditative technique)
- Pranayama- Bhramari, Anulom-Vilom, Ujjayi.
- Asanas for better integration and understanding of the body-mind complex.
- Anna panna sati.
- Core vipassana practice.
- Mantras and verses.