Top Yoga Teacher Training School In Dubai


Eclipse mission is to inspire everyone to fall in love with the journey of life.
The objective of the 200 – Hour Ashtanga Vinyasa Master Course is to provide a solid foundation to every seeker at every level of learning and every step of their journey as a practitioner and teacher. This is not just another “course” but a life wire of positive transformation that keeps the flow of learning intact to address the ever-increasing demands in the authentic way of Yoga teaching.
Feb 17th – Mar 21st
8 am to 4 pm
Rooted into the soil of truth & authenticity, we are committed to deliver the best in class Yoga experience to all of our associates.
We firmly believe that the knowledge of Yoga grows perpetually through sharing and through this constant conversation and exchange between the teacher and student, between the guru and the seeker. And this is the underlying principle of our 200-Hours Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Master Course. With that in mind, Eclipse strives passionately to provide and uphold this time-tested methodology of bringing a true seeker to the right guru, orientation and environment.
The objective of the 200 – Hour Ashtanga Vinyasa Master Course is to provide a solid foundation to every seeker at every level of learning and every step of their journey as a practitioner and teacher. This is not just another “course” but a life wire of positive transformation that keeps the flow of learning intact to address the ever-increasing demands in the authentic way of Yoga teaching.
At the end of the course, you will be ready to duly practice and teach the Ashtanga Vinyasa style of Yoga, which draws on the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series, and create your own Vinyasa flow sequences with various themes.
You will also have the benefit of exposure to other styles of asana practice, including Yin and Restorative yoga, to develop your experience and knowledge of other yoga traditions and styles during the course.

- Initiation- the core concept for beginning the journey as a Yoga student & teacher.
- Upanishad- Opening the realm of inner wisdom with the master.
- Communion- to harmonize and channelize the collective creative energy of the teacher and the student.
- Transformation- transformational journey from practitioner to student and from a student to a teacher.
- Ashtanga Vinyasa – Two fold energy harmonization.
- Ashtanga Vinyasa – Experimentations on the breath initiated and breath-based flows and integration of various movements, postures, and poses.
- Ashtanga Vinyasa – Integration of dynamic and static aspects of Yoga.
- Ashtanga Yoga: Introduction & history of the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series and the four elements of Ashtanga Yoga; Vinyasa, Ujjayi Breath, Bandhas and Drishti. Practice of the Primary Series is conducted three times a week. Profound and deep understanding of the various techniques and methods of Asanas, Pranayama, Drishti, and purification techniques.
- Detailed knowledge of theoretical and practical of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.
- Ability to design & conduct sessions based on Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.
- Vinyasa Flow: Dynamic flows practiced four to five times a week, principles of sequencing, designing & teaching Vinyasa Flow classes.
- Other styles of Yoga: Understanding & practice of other styles of yoga such as partner yoga, yin & restorative yoga.
- Yoga Philosophy & Humanities: Deep dive into the origins of Ashtanga Yoga, Philosophical Backbone of Ashtanga Yoga, Patanjali’s Major Sutras, Chakras & Koshas. Command of the Yogic Ethics, Lifestyle & Diet.
- Theory & Practice of Meditation Techniques & its importance in Ashtanga Yoga.
- Anatomy and physiology – conceptual, theoretical, and practical knowledge of the human anatomy and physiological systems.
- Teaching methodology – methods and techniques for demonstrating and imparting acquired knowledge of Yoga.
- Ability to communicate and disseminate knowledge, with regards to the importance of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, i.e., stress management, mental and physical wellbeing.
- Ability to meditate thoroughly to achieve mental clarity and profundity.
- International Yoga Alliance Accredited RYT – 200 Hours Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Certification.
- In depth Teacher Training Course Content & Bibliography/References.
- Scholarship of up to 10% off in the form of discount for our memberships.
- Privileged pricing on Eclipse Retreats, Courses & Workshops (10% off).
- Continuous empirical guidance & potential for internship with Eclipse.
Course Syllabus
1. Asanas
- Ashtanga Primary Series
- Vinyasa Yoga
- Alignment & Adjustment Principles
- Principles of Sequencing in Vinyasa with proper counting
- Practice of the over 70 postures of Ashtanga Primary Series & Vinyasa Flow
- Sanskrit Terminologies & English translation
- Counterposes & sequencing
- The Drishti & Ujjayi Breathing
- Yin Yoga & Restorative Asana practices
- Physical benefits and contraindications
- Application of Ashtanga Vinyasa principles to varied populations & levels of students. Ability to skilfully identify the stages of progress to the final poses from beginners through to advanced students and appropriate modifications; student assistance in an ethical manner; instillation of the ways to find insights through awareness of their own breath in their practice.
2. Pranayama
- Pranayama Techniques
- Abdominal Breathing
- Thoracic breathing
- Yogic breathing
- Nadi Shodhan Pranayama
- Ujjayi Pranayama
3. Understanding of Shatkarma
- Neti Kriya
- Dhuati
- Basti
- Kapalbhati
- Trataka
- Nauli Kriya
4. Bandhas
- Jalandhara Bandha (throat lock)
- Moola Bandha (perineum contraction)
- Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal contraction)
- Maha Bandha (the great lock)
5. Philosophy
- Introduction to Yoga Philosophy
- History of Ashtanga Vinyasa
- About Pattabhi Jois
- About Krishmacharya
- Major Patanjali Yoga Sutras
- Yogic lifestyle and diet
- 8 Limbs of Yoga
- About chakras
- About Panch Kosha
- Panch Prana
- About Nadi System
6. Anatomy
- Explanation of Anatomy and physiology
- Anatomical Position, Planes, Movement
- Skeletal System
- The Joints
- Muscular System
- Respiratory System
- Shoulder Anatomy
- Endocrine System
- About the Spine
7. Guided Meditation Sessions
- Body Awareness
- Yoga Nidra
8. Practicum
- Practice counting Vinyasas
- Practice teaching Ashtanga Primary Series Led Sessions
- Practice teaching beginners
- Practice to assist the teacher in class
9. Teaching Methodology
- Creating sacred space, psychological safety, and a context for learning
- How to teach postures, pranayama, and relaxation
- Variations for the advanced postures of the primary series
- Full guide to Ashtanga Primary Series & Vinyasa Flow
Key Notes
- Course starts at 9 am up until 5 pm
- The course inauguration will take place the first day
- Final Exam takes place before awarding the RYS Certificate
- Exam is a blend of multiple choice questions & written answers in the form of short essay
- Exam duration is 1 – 1& 1/2 hour
- Participants are advised to bring their own water bottle, yoga mats, towel, and notebooks
Teacher Lead

SWAMI VISHWESHWARANAND: Yoga Philosophy & Meditation Lead
As the Head of Insight at Eclipse, Swami Vishweshwaranand is in charge of conducting all mindfulness & meditation practices. He is an expert in the ancient wisdom of Yoga & the Eastern Traditions & their translation into modern life practices.
Born in a Brahmin family of scholars, Swami Vishweshwaranand left his home at the young age of 7 years & started his spiritual journey under the benign guidance of Param Tapaswi Baba Shri Kalyan Das Ji of Amarkantak. On the banks of Narmada he received divine Diksha of Shri Krishna & got the esoteric Vidya of Vedas & Gita in a mystic manner.
He traversed most of India with his master at a very young age & got versed into various Indian Vedic scriptures. At the age of 10 he was sent to Nainital for his elementary education & later on received his university education from Pune & Varanasi. Due to his deep understanding of life & dedication, the epithet yogi was bestowed upon him in his early days & he then started teaching Dhyan Praveshika-entrance into meditative state, a technique based on the Pranava Naad Sadhna of Udasin tradition.
He was also fascinated by the mystical aspects of philosophy & therefore was trained under the mystic Kashmir Shaivite Pt. Kamlakar Mishra of Varanasi. As a result, Swami Vishweshwaranand started teaching at Shri Kalyanika Himalaya Devasthanam & has been a key leader in various institutions of the Matha, nestled in the Himalayas.
Known as a natural scholar, the Swami has edited various journals & books; he has played a vital role in structuring ancient texts. He is passionate about seeing people connect with their true self & is driven to put all his energy to support others into thriving in their life’s journey.

DEVADATTA: Yoga Asanas, Transitions, Alignment, Shatkarma, Anatomy & Teaching Methodology
Devadatta comes from Pune, India & started practicing Yoga when he was only 13 years old under the guidance of Chandrakant Pangare the Captain & Coach of the Indian Yoga Team & 8 times International Yoga Gold Medalist. With his natural inclination to the practice, his love & dedication to the yogic path, Devadatta started participating in yoga conferences & competitions by the time he was 14 years old across India & abroad; along the way he won 55 medals out of which 9 in international yogasana competitions, in Korea, Argentina & Indonesia.
Devadataa pursued his education on Bachelor in Yogashastra & earned his degree from Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, and formalised his 14 year old teaching experience with his academic qualifications.
Devadatta continued his career in Vietnam, where he delivered classes on all styles of Yoga, with emphasis on intermediate & advanced practices, including classes with special focus on the purposeful use of props. At Eclipse Devadatta reveals the depth of his knowledge & experience across different styles that range from Hatha & Alignment all the way to Advanced Flows & Restorative practices. His passion & experience of yoga in its entirety is reflected in the manner he engages with his students, his attention to detail & his ever-positive energy.
Recommended Pre-Read
- Ashtanga Primary Series – Kino Macgregor
- The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Edwin F. Bryant
- Srimad Bhagwad Geeta : Most prominent versions from by Geeta press Gorakhpur, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Paramhans Yogananda, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Rama, Swami Vivekananda, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, Eknath Eshwaran, Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Sivananda, Stephen Mitchell, etc.
- Yoga Mala by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois
- Ashtanga Yoga, Practice and Philosophy by Gregor Maehle
- Yoga, the Art of Adjusting, 2ndEd by Brian Cooper, PhD
- Trail Guide to the Body by Andrew Biel)
- The Language of Yoga by Nicolai Bachman
- The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Edwin F. Bryant
- The Key Muscles of Yoga: Scientific Keys by Ray Long
- The Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swami Muktibodhananda, Bihar School of Yoga
We are delighted to welcome you on board this fascinating opportunity to learn, exchange & evolve together by immersing ourselves in the vast wisdom of yoga & its treasures.