Yoga alignment is the backbone of most yoga practices & indispensable in attaining perfection in any flow-based style of yoga. Via the use of props like the wall, blocks & straps, yoga alignment helps build precision, stability & one pointedness along with awareness. The practice goes in depth into understanding & feeling what the correct posture (asana) should be like vs what it usually ends up being when practicing at faster pace. As such, and when practiced with frequency yoga alignment is a key avenue to perfecting one's structural body posture & advancing into any fast paced yoga style, no matter how advanced the asanas. It also helps practitioners build knowledge on which muscles & joints are engaged each time while allowing the time to realise how they feel in each pose & enter within it with mindfulness, presence & attention. Yoga alignment works on both core strength & flexibility across different body segments. It is a must do practice and goes hand in hand with all flows & strength based styles of yoga. Yoga alignement is suited to all levels of students & should be integrated once one builds consistency in their practice.Yoga alignment is a key practice suited to all practitioners irrespective of their proficiency level & the main avenue of gaining deep insight about the anatomy & mechanism of each posture.